Friday, May 3, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy BEE!

Here are a couple things I have worked on in the past couple months.
 This was a mother's day gift we did with my daughters volleyball group and I gave a couple to teachers too! It's a post it note magnet holder for the fridge or office.  I put a little orange pen in there for color.
 Here is the fabric I am using for my baby son's crib bedding.  I am super excited about doing his whole room in turquoise, mandarin, and grey, with hints of yellow.  I will post it when I get each thing done.

 Here are the capes I made for my niece and nephew for a Father's Day Brunch for Super Hero's.  Every dad is a super hero to their kids!! So cape up and show your kids how to fly!
 This is a little caper hat/ newies hat I am designing for my business Dragonfly Designs 6 on Etsy.  My daughter didn't want to take the hat off for a very long time.  I am going to make several different sizes and colors.
 This is the outfit I will be blessing my son in when he is 6 weeks old or so.  Its for freaking cute.  We are Scottish and my whole family will be in theirs for the occasion. I am also making a caper hat for him to wear that day too.  More pictures to come in August!!!
 This was a blessing dress I made for my cousin who is having a girl.  We still have to add the rosettes to the bottom of the dress but wanted to show how cute it turned out.

These are some bows I made a customer of mine for her daughter's ballet class.  I will be making more soon to sell. If you need any colors or designs let me know.  I love designing stuff like this and have so much fun making it.
Because I am pregnant, I want to make this shirt for every mom out there.  If dad's are super hero's, Mom's can have Super Powers too.  Don't you think since all mom's are Wonder Woman!!

It's getting Updated!

I know its been a while, actually a really long time.  But I need to update the past two years in a couple sentences.  Well, I got married Jan 2011, made the car seats in May 2011, bought a house, moved in two weeks before #4 girl was born, have a daycare, have been trying to get a business started with Dragonfly Designs 6 on  

Esty, got pregnant again- but with my First BOY, and life just got away from me.  So in my small attempt to keep up with life, I am going to up date my blog with some new pictures of a nursery I just finished.  It was a lot of fun designing it and finally putting it all together.  Tell me what you think about it.  Any feed back is great.  Thanks for hanging in there and I will do better in updating more news and about my new business in the future.  Have a great day.