Friday, May 13, 2011

I finished another one!

Here is the new lady bug car seat I just did for a gal this past week.  And, from that ad I got another order too.  I am so excited!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Today I got my first order!

I just put my pictures on craigslist to advertise my new car seats.  I had a lady call me and I am doing a new lady bug car seat for her.  I am super excited about it and when I'm done I will put the pictures up on my blog.  Here's to starting this new adventure!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Custom Car Seats are Finished!

I just finished the 3 car seats I have been working on.  I am super excited to share them with everyone I could burst.  I make custom car seat covers with matching blankets that Velcro on to the handle.  I had so many compliments on mine when I did it 2 years ago, that I decided to make more.  I design them for the mom that wants a little something more for their baby, that stands out above the rest!  Its the "I want to be different mom" that love my car seats.  I color coordinate everything I make for the car seats and my Capri diaper bags. The diaper bags come with matching changing pads, blankets, bibs, and hair bows.  It is perfect for a baby shower gift, push gifts from daddy, and to say I love you sweety!  All of my car seats that I get have only been used short term for one child, no pets, smoking, and or scratched badly.  They are also within a 2 year expiration date.  The car seats all come with at least one base!  I have so many ladies I come in contact with that want one, this was the first way I thought of to do it.  Please email your friends, family, and anyone having a baby about my blog.  They might want a custom car seat, matching diaper bag and accessories!!  Thanks for taking a look at its so girly. I can also take orders and design something just for you. email me at

Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting ready for Easter!

So, now that my girls have grown out of the Costco  dresses (they only come in sizes 2T-8T), I was worried that I couldn't find something that matched and looked cute for all 3 girls.  Frustration set in as I looked and looked for things that could work.  So, being crafty I started looking around at dresses, bows, purses and hair styles I could do with my own little twist.  I came across tutu's and it has warped from there.  I have sold 5 dresses so far and several matching hair bows.  I want women to learn how to do these things too, from simple to advanced, everyone can do it. Thats why I will be doing a class once a month.  I will video tape and put on here what we make and create. And if you don't have the time, desire, or artsy part in you- you can buy it from me! So here are some pics I took of my girls in their new Easter dresses for 2011, with hair bows and new hair do's to match.