Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting ready for Easter!

So, now that my girls have grown out of the Costco  dresses (they only come in sizes 2T-8T), I was worried that I couldn't find something that matched and looked cute for all 3 girls.  Frustration set in as I looked and looked for things that could work.  So, being crafty I started looking around at dresses, bows, purses and hair styles I could do with my own little twist.  I came across tutu's and it has warped from there.  I have sold 5 dresses so far and several matching hair bows.  I want women to learn how to do these things too, from simple to advanced, everyone can do it. Thats why I will be doing a class once a month.  I will video tape and put on here what we make and create. And if you don't have the time, desire, or artsy part in you- you can buy it from me! So here are some pics I took of my girls in their new Easter dresses for 2011, with hair bows and new hair do's to match.

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