Friday, May 3, 2013

It's getting Updated!

I know its been a while, actually a really long time.  But I need to update the past two years in a couple sentences.  Well, I got married Jan 2011, made the car seats in May 2011, bought a house, moved in two weeks before #4 girl was born, have a daycare, have been trying to get a business started with Dragonfly Designs 6 on  

Esty, got pregnant again- but with my First BOY, and life just got away from me.  So in my small attempt to keep up with life, I am going to up date my blog with some new pictures of a nursery I just finished.  It was a lot of fun designing it and finally putting it all together.  Tell me what you think about it.  Any feed back is great.  Thanks for hanging in there and I will do better in updating more news and about my new business in the future.  Have a great day.

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